Foster Care
​Our Foster Care Program not only provides a stable home but also emphasizes building strong connections and fostering a sense of belonging. By offering comprehensive support, we aim to lay the foundation for a brighter future and empower children and youth to lead fulfilling lives.​​
Compassionate Homes: Licensed foster parents open their hearts and homes to provide a safe and loving environment.
Specialized Training: Our caregivers undergo specialized training to address the unique needs of each child.
Immediate Assistance: Our 24/7 crisis support system ensures immediate help for foster parents and children.
Lifelong Connections: We prioritize the formation of strong, lasting bonds between foster parents and children.
Educational Support: Our team assists with school enrollment and offers ongoing educational support.
Health and Well-Being: We arrange medical and dental appointments and provide medication management.
Emotional Healing: In-office therapy services are available to ensure emotional well-being is nurtured.
Cultural Enrichment: Cultural activities celebrate diversity, fostering pride in heritage and cultural identity.
Life Skills Training: Essential life skills training equips both foster parents and children for success.
Transition to Independence: As children approach adulthood, we guide them through the transition to independent living.